2nd Residential Workshop


21,22 and 23 of June 2022


During the 2nd Residential Meeting, the ESRs will be requested to organize a workshop where the individual projects will be submitted in the form of position papers, linking state of the art and preliminary results. Position papers will be peer-reviewed and orally discussed by all workshop participants, including an external advisory group who will provide fruitful feedback to each ESR on the directions of research and potential methodological and theoretical aspects to consider.

ESR will have hands-on experience on the robots addressing problems connected to the Integration Scenarios for Market & Society on a platform working in groups.


Speakers Workshop and Seminars Video
Cristian Leorin
Workshop on Designing for End-Users
Severin Lemaignan
Presentation of the scenario and hands-on session
HRI team, PAL Robotics
ARI tutorial -Entrepreneurship in the market of personal robots

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