Trust is probably one of the most complicated construct I have ever faced as a psychologist. It is this kind of phenomenon that everyone experiences on a daily basis, and can identify properly when experiencing it, which yet remains difficult to grasp scientifically. What is trust exactly? Where does it come from? How does it … Continue reading Trust in human-robot interaction: A measurement issue that stems from a theoretical gap?
Author: Dimitri Lacroix
Robot autonomy and user involvement, the two key facets of robot adaptation?
In my first article in the blog from PERSEO project, I have introduced my project distinguishing personalization from customization. As a reminder, personalization is a system-driven sort of adaptation where the robot autonomously adapts to its user. Customization is a user-driven adaptation process where the user adapts the robot to their own preferences and needs. … Continue reading Robot autonomy and user involvement, the two key facets of robot adaptation?