ESR 15
Boris Abramovic is Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow in the European Training Network on PErsonalized Robotics as SErvice Oriented applications (PERSEO).
As a MSCA Fellow he is working on a cross-disciplinary research project Ethical aspects of personalization in companion and care robots
The project integrates robotic research with perspectives from philosophy and performance studies, to address opportunities and new concerns for personalised human-robot interaction, focusing on users' moral rights and emotional safety.
The themes of his research:
1) personal robots for social and emotional support and implications of experiences and new relationships with them;
2) robots in performance art and visual arts, including aesthetics, technologies of production, and reception;
3) curatorial research and practices of media artworks that use automation, AI and algorithmic interaction.
Prior to joining the research group of the Chair Philosophy of Media and Technology at UNIVIE, he was a Visiting Researcher at RELATE - Research Laboratory for Art and Technology at Aalborg University in Denmark, and a member of Decolonizing the Machine research platform (2021).
He has a Master of Arts degree in Media Art Cultures from Aalborg University in Denmark, where he completed his master's thesis on Non-Human Turn in Performance Art (2019).
Until 2018 he worked as an Advisor for Visual Arts in the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro, and as a Head of the Anna Lindh Foundation for intercultural dialogue in Montenegro.
Prof. Mark Coeckelbergh
University of Vienna